Malaria Partners Zambia through the Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia project has successfully completed the retraining exercise for community health workers (CHWs) who were trained in 2021 in Muchinga province. The retraining was necessary to ensure that the CHWs are up-to-date on the latest malaria prevention and treatment methods.
The trainings which commenced in May this year were conducted over two weeks intervals. Rotarian volunteers provided administrative support and encouragement to the CHWs.
The retraining was a success, and the CHWs are now better equipped to provide malaria prevention and treatment services to their communities. Following the successful retraining exercise, the project has also trained replacements for all CHWs who have dropped out across all 4 districts its supporting in Muchinga province. The most common cause of dropouts in Muchinga has been death and in some instances relocation and employment.
The retraining of the CHWs is a major milestone for the Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia project. It ensures that the project is on track to achieve its goal of significantly reducing the malaria burden in the 10 districts of intervention in Zambia.
Rotarians Support Malaria Elimination
Rotarians have been instrumental in the success of the Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia project since its inception in 2021. They have provided tremendous administrative support and encouragement to the CHWs. More Rotary and Rotaract clubs are now considering undertaking malaria elimination projects following the successful small grant award to the Rotaract Club of Lusaka’s RotarACTION project.
The support of Rotarians is essential to the success of the Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia project. It is a testament to the commitment of Rotarians to fighting malaria and making a difference in the lives of people in Zambia.
About the Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia Project
The Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia project is a $6 million project that is funded by Rotary International, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and World Vision US. The project is co-implemented by Malaria Partners Zambia and World Vision Zambia.
The project trained and deployed 2500 CHWs in Muchinga and Central provinces. The CHWs have been trained to provide malaria prevention and treatment services to their communities. The project is contributing to strengthening the national malaria elimination program.
The Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia project is a major step forward in the fight against malaria in Zambia. The project is saving thousands of lives and improving the health of millions of people.